Thursday, March 26, 2009

Night Write

Talking to Rhys tonight I discovered something: I love 4 AM. I am so much more coherent and creative at four AM. Why can't my life revolve around 4 AM? I would write so much more, and so much better. There would be passion flowing from my pages and tears would flood the earth.
Okay, maybe that was a little over dramatic.
But seriously, I write better when the sun is finally deciding to come back up. I write well between the grey of dusk and the orange of dawn. The holy hours they should be called. When all writers (or at the very least, Rhys and I) create our most phenomenal works. 2AM and 6AM: the holiest, most passionate hours of the day.
Sit me down at four in the afternoon and the best I can write for you is a grocery list without a verb. I really suck at writing when then sun is up.
I'm like a writing vampire! But I don't sparkle. Or drink blood. Should I drink wood pulp?
I just wish there was a way for me to write well while people are awake, and not in China. Why must the King of Thailand be awake while I write? Why can't my roommate be!
But I need looming deadlines, and I need night to just permeate my writing. I need the thrill of chasing the sun, the solitude of the wee hours of the morn.
I'm never going to sleep.