Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Note

So I've given up on BEDA. I will now only post when I actually have something interesting to say. And boy do I have something interesting to say.

Okay, as a precursor let me state that I really don't believe in fate. I don't think that things will line up so that I have to do something, or meet someone, or that everything happens for a reasons. I just believe that life is kind of random, but ordered. But this story has a boatload to do with fate.

So, I got out of my class on Friday, and after went down to the lowest floor to check my mail (poor Highland Community College doesn't realize that I don't actually want to go to their school). Well I didn't get anything too exciting, so I started walking down the hall. Being the lazy ass woman I am, I tried to think through the school and find the fewest amount of stairs to get back to my dorm. Well I wound up way far away from my dorm, but near a slew of windows. Remembering what a gorgeous day it was outside, I forwent the laziness and walked outside back to my dorm. Once outside I was passed by a red motorcycle. Well, one of the kids I have a crush on has a motorcycle, so my heart leaped to my chest. Then I remembered that his wasn't red, it was yellow (don't judge me! I am not a stalker, I've seen him riding it before!). Then in kind of floaty thoughts I wondered if he had brought his back to campus after the winter. They were the type of thoughts that you think but don't fully flesh out, so my mind went back to the sun and the warm weather.
I continued walking back to my dorm, and saw the bicycle racks on the way. The thoughts of this kid's motorcycle came back, this time much more tangible. I turned immediately to my left and was met by a bright yellow motorcycle. I laughed at the irony, and kept walking. In the back of my head I thought how funny it would be if I left a note on the bike saying, "nice bike ;)" It's safe to say that I laughed this off almost immediately, and kept walking back to my dorm.
I get to the door, knock, but no one answers. So I decide to go get some food with a roommate who I usually meet after class on Friday. I get there, and she is no where to be found. I call her, but no one picks up.
Wondering if I do in fact have my key I sit down nearby and empty the contents of my purse. No key. I call every one of my roommates. No one picks up. I take out one my notebooks, and jokingly write out a couple of "nice bike ;)"s in different hand-writings, hoping that a roommate would call. Nothing happened. I snatched two of the best notes, and stand up to walk back to the dorm.
On the walk over, the tiny slips of paper getting hot in my hand, I tell myself that if no one opens the door of the dorm, I am supposed to go leave one of the notes on the bike. I knock furiously.
No one answers the door.
I laugh nervously, stow one of the notes, and have the other in my sweaty hand. I am such an idiot, I think, why am I doing this? The final mod of the day is ending soon, and if he has a class, he is sure to find me on his way out. I literally have 13 minutes to drop this note, and because it is a gorgeous Friday afternoon, the chances of getting out early are high. I could have anywhere from 3 to 13 minutes. And I'm screwed if I get caught.
I walk toward the bike, people all around me. If someone see's me, they are sure to think I'm nutty. I'm fifty feet away from the bike, and a girl walks right next to me. I stop, pretending to check my phone so that she can go ahead. I continue walking after about a minute, looking around to see if the coast is clear. Twenty feet away and a teacher walks behind me. God this is so stupid! You are the world's biggest idiot. Ten feet away, the note is in the tips of my fingers as I will the wind to just blow it away.
Three feet away, and I don't know what to do. I can't do this. I realize that the bike is directly outside of his department, and he will see me for sure if they get out of class early. I can't take it anymore.
A foot away, and I cop out. I drop the note on the ground near the bike. I convince myself that since fate had such a strong hand in this, it will certainly have enough to let him see the note on the ground. I practically run away from the bike.
I walk back to the buildings, and immediately see one of my roommates: after I have dropped the note.
If that is not fate for you, I don't know what is.

So did he get the note? I'll have no way of knowing.

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