Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekly Internet Vomit #4- Bring on the Shackles, I'm Your Prisoner

The internet was a place created to connect a plethora of different peoples in a new and simple way. It was created to be a place to share knowledge, and to learn new skills, facts and information. And then society took it. And society killed it.

This week in internet vomit I give you something I swore to never talk about ever again. It's a beast we all had to ride last November, and will all ride again in a horrible four months (pun... yes, I know it's there). It sparkles in the sunlight, and stalks you in your sleep. It is deathly pale, and horribly corny.

It's your own Twilight MANLLOW!

(via @maureenjohnson)

Yes, ladies and gentlemen it is now time for your very own life-size Edward Cullen or Jacob Black. That vampire hasn't messed tweens up enough, oh no he hasn't, because he's now here to replace ever desire a boy could ever give! Why hug a boy when you can hug your manllow? Why go out with friends when you can hold your very own werewolf all night long? Why kiss a boyfriend when you can make out with Edward Cullen forever (he's an immortal pillow)?

Worried that this could get a little risque with those hormonal teenagers? Don't. Edward Cullen and Jacob Black are completely PG. They're only torsos.

Order yours today! Your manllow could be at your house in a week's time, and from then on out you'll never see the light of day again. Just like a real vampire!

Don't forget, the internet is like any magical place; there are often inappropriate things just at the corners of the imagination.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Weekly Internet Vomit #3- Kitten Fever

The internet was a place created to connect a plethora of different peoples in a new and simple way. It was created to be a place to share knowledge, and to learn new skills, facts and information. And then society took it. And society killed it.

When googling cats, you often find scores of near brain melting capacity. Your eyeballs slowly begin to turn to mush as you view page after page of pictures of cats--your "aww!"s and "cuuuuute!"s never enough to satiate the nauseating cuteness of them. It's as though cats were created by the internet to make your head explode, make it so that you think about investing in a blood screen for your computer.

But what happens when you search "cat" on Youtube? This, my friends.

I often wonder why people do the things they do. Like this man, who translated a cat fight.

And finally, I end on a high note. This little gem.

Oh yeah, that song's going to be stuck in your head for the rest of the week. Don't worry, I hate me too.

Don't forget, the internet is like any magical place; there are often inappropriate things just at the corners of the imagination.

If you have any vomitous suggestions leave them in the comments!
