...in two whole days.
Because seriously, a) how could I follow Tuesday's post with something about cats (or other useless ramblings)? And b) I vlogged yesterday.
But really, I don't know what to say much now. I need a theme to this blog. I think I'm going to give every day of the week a theme. We already have internet vomit on Fridays... but... Tuesday for confessions? Mondays for...? Well who knows, but I'll work on something.
So yeah, you'll get an internet vomit shortly (before midnight, hopefully), and then I'll try to make myself make sense here. Themes and schedules are good. Just ask ABC television. (bad, not funny joke.... not even really a joke at all -- see, when I don't blog, I just get sloppy... and stupid).
I'm off! Chaucer and the Arthurian Quest awaits!!
*rides off into the sun with the sound of clapping coconuts and an imaginary horse*