Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Nation of Procrasti

I'm procrastinating a ton of really boring reading by posting this. If you are my Western Religious Traditions professor... LOOK AWAY!

To everyone else, hello! I like you.

Today was a much better day than yesterday, thankfully. A lot of stuff worked out that had gone horribly awry yesterday, and I got to talk to my family for a while. My mom is out of the hospital (she went in yesterday for appendicitis), and I'm getting my car fixed after the accident I got into yesterday (told you it was a bad day). I'm even okay with spending the majority of my day in the library doing homework. I took a solid break to read Will Grayson Will Grayson (which finally came in the mail! Hurrah!)
I spent some time laying in the grass with my best friend, drinking mango Jamba Juice. I had a couple of good talks with professors, connected with William Faulkner, and drank my fair share of coffee. The sun was shining, people were extremely kind and today I just felt loved. It felt really nice.

Sooner or later, I'll come up with a theme for this blog--something more than just my ramblings, hopefully. But until then, thanks for reading and responding. Maybe during BEDA I'll figure some sort of motif through all of this. I commend you greatly for sticking with me.


1 comment:

  1. Even though there's more peace in your spirit about yesterday, I'd still like to hear about it. Unless it would disrupt. loving you.
