Monday, April 19, 2010

Sounds of Music

No, this isn't going to be another playlist blog. But I was thinking about all the random sounds in the world that I love that don't get enough credit in my opinion.

Also, this is to combat the fact that THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOWHERE SILENT IN THIS LIBRARY ANYMORE. Yes, I'm that person. I'm the one giving you dirty looks for answering your PHONE IN THE LIBRARY. COME ON, DUDE!

*Breathes* *Smiles a little too widely*

So, from here on out, Mondays are going to be sensory days. I'm going to give you my favorite things in each sense. Today we've got sound!

1) The sound an apple makes when you throw it into the air and catch it in your bare hand. Try it. It's somehow amazingly satisfying.
2) The sounds of a typing (mostly on a Mac).
3) The new Owen Pallett album. Can't help myself. Just bought it this morning.
4) The low rumble of thunder and the resounding crack of lightening splitting the air.
5) The announcement on the Underground for the next stop.
6) The sound of a zipper.
7) Rain.
8) The roar of the ocean.
9) The tap of chalk on a chalkboard.
10) The squeak of dry erase markers.

Have your own favorite random sounds? Leave them in comments! See you tomorrow for confession!



  1. I like the apple, thunder, rain, and underground sounds too! I'd also like to add a cello to the list :)

  2. bhahaha.

    the underground.

    you're so creative. for some reason i can only think of sounds i hate.

    um familiar voices saying hello to me.
